
Responsible Gambling Posters

Aristocrat Technologies – a leading gaming equipment manufacturer – will be sponsoring a contest to design responsible gaming posters. Responsible Gambling Education is not supposed to remain limited to casinos and adult gamblers – the AGA has produced a series of educational pamphlets for parents to broach the subject with their children. Responsible gambling is so important a concept that it has an annual celebration, as well as its own flowerbed. Responsible Gambling Awareness Week this year runs from May 14-20.

Victorian gaming venues need to meet a number of legislative and responsible gambling requirements. These pages contain important information for Victorian gaming venues and point you in the right direction for further information.

Responsible Service of Gaming – training

On 1 January 2017, new Responsible Service of Gaming (RSG) training was introduced for Victorian gaming venue staff.

The training equips gaming venue staff with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure that gaming is provided responsibly.

As part of the training requirements, two modules will need to be completed by gaming venue staff. Module 1 is an online course hosted by the State and module 2 is delivered face-to-face to staff in gaming venues.

Module 1 must be completed within one month of commencing work in a gaming venue and module 2 must be completed within six months of commencing work in a gaming venue.

New RSG refresher training commenced in September 2020. This training consists of two modules: module 3 is an online course and module 4 is delivered face-to-face.

You can access both module 1 and module 3 training from the Responsible Service of Gaming Training website.

Responsible gambling posters definitionResponsible

Further information is available from the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

The Foundation's Venue Support Program will deliver the face-to-face training modules within gaming venues with provision made for video-conferencing given COVID-19 restrictions.

For further information about face-to-face training or to confirm the details of the venue support worker allocated to your gaming venue, please contact the Foundation on (03) 9452 2656 or email Brett Hetherington.

The Foundation will also run face-to-face responsible service of gaming training sessions. See session dates and times.

Ordering brochures through the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation

Responsible Gambling Posters

The Foundation provides several free brochures to gaming venues to promote Gambler's Help services and raise awareness of the risks associated with gambling. Though not compulsory, we encourage venues to display the brochures at point of sale and other visible locations within or near gaming areas.


Convenience advertising

Responsible gambling posters images

The Foundation provides new signs for gaming venue bathrooms across the state through convenience advertising to coincide with new awareness campaigns. This usually includes A4 posters on the back of toilet doors and near hand washing facilities along with takeaway cards.

For enquiries and further information, please contact:

Convenience Advertising
Venue Relations Manager
Phone: (03) 9486 0233
Fax: (03) 9486 0525

Venue best practice guide

The Venue Best Practice Guide features examples of innovation and best practice currently being used in some gambling venues to meet the requirements of their Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct.

These practices demonstrate to customers a true commitment to creating a safer gambling environment.

Venues can use the guide to benchmark their own practices and identify areas for improvement.

Download the Venue best practice guide

Self-exclusion programs

A self-exclusion program is a service offered by the gaming industry to people who wish to exclude themselves from gaming rooms in clubs and hotels around Victoria.

Victorian Commission for Gambling Liquor Regulation

The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) is the independent statutory authority that administers Victoria's gambling and liquor laws.

Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation

The Foundation helps venues with the Venue Support Program and providing a range of recommended brochures (see above under 'Order brochures from the Foundation'). We produce a range of printed materials (brochures, cards and more) about responsible and problem gambling which are not compulsory but can be ordered to display at your venue.

For further information about Gambler's Help promotional material, please contact:

Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
Phone: (03) 9452 2600
Email: contact@responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au

Legislative requirements

Gaming venues are covered by a large number of legislative and regulatory requirements.

Further information on legislative and regulatory arrangements in Victoria, including a listing of key legislation relating to how gambling is conducted in the state, is available within our resources pages.

The Victorian Commission of Gambling and Liquor Regulation is responsible for administering legislation and regulations in Victoria.

'Gamble with your head not with your heart'

Understanding of Problem Gambling

A visit to any casino and entertainment complex is seen as time for relaxation, enjoyment and socialization. Visitors come to casinos knowing how much money they can afford to spend, and only spend the predetermined amount.

This is the case for the majority of visitors to casinos around the world. However, there is a small portion of people who lose sight of the entertainment value of gaming which could lead to varying levels of addiction to one or more forms of gambling.

Problem gambling is a serious issue and we therefore believe that it is our social responsibility to attempt to identify problem gamblers under a problem gambling program and provide them with the assistance and support to rehabilitate from the various levels of addiction.

What is Problem Gambling?

To address the issues of problem gambling and to create problem gambling programs, we first need to understand what problem gambling is and which individuals can be classified as problem or addictive gamblers.

  • Definition of Problem Gambling
    Problem gambling is any behavior that is damaging to the individual, the family, the community, the workplace or business.
  • Definition of Underage Gambling
    Underage gambling is the act of gambling by a person under the legal age to gamble.
Definition of our Responsible Gaming Program

Our responsible gaming program includes any strategy, policy or program instituted by us to proactively address problem gambling and/or underage gambling issues.

Century Casinos' Responsible Gaming Program

Responsible Gambling Posters Free

Century Casinos and its management team are committed to promoting responsible behavior among our customers and employees and dedicate human and financial resources to educate and build awareness that deters underage and problem gambling at its casinos.