Ragnarok Mobile Armor Slot
Effect: Perma Buff: | Slot: Type: | |
Effect: M.Atk +5% When the wearer is a Mage, M.Atk +3%, Max HP +300, Max SP +150 Max HP +28 | Armor Normal | |
气动强波卡片 | [Investigate] CD reduced by 1s Atk +8 | Weapon Normal |
钟怪卡片 | Max HP +300 VIT +1 INT +1 Max HP +12 | Footgear Normal |
爱丽丝女仆卡片 | Damage from Boss monsters -15% Damage from Boss monsters -2% | Shield Mini Boss |
黄蛇卡片 | Dmg to Poison monsters +15% Max HP +28 | Accecssory Normal |
古钟魔卡片 | Str +2 INT +1 Max HP +1% Max HP +12 | Armor Normal |
白蚁卡片 | Atk +10 Atk +3 | Weapon Normal |
白蚁★卡片 | Pen. +3% Ignores Def +3% when STR or DEX reaches 225 Def +6 | Headgear Normal |
天使波利卡片 | Turn the armor's element into Holy M.Atk +20 | Armor MVP |
虎蜥人卡片 | When suffering Dam, There is a 3% chance to cause: Agi +5, Dex +5; this effect lasts 2 minutes. Agi +1 | Armor Normal |
安毕斯卡片 | Angel monsters Dmg Taken -30% Max HP +84 | Shield Mini Boss |
水元素卡片 | Water Dmg Taken -15% Dmg to Water Monsters +5% Max HP +28 | Shield Normal |
圣天使波利卡片 | Max HP +10% Def +1%, MDef +1% | Headgear MVP |
邪骸弓箭手卡片 | Melee Atk +5% Ranged Atk +10% Atk +8 | Weapon Normal |
邪骸弓箭手★卡片 | Str +2 Atk +5% M.Atk +8 | Armor Normal |
艾吉欧蜈蚣卡片 | Turn the armor's element into Poison Def +20 Def +4 | Armor Normal |
明日香卡片 | Def +4% Dmg Reduc. +4% MDef +2, Max HP +30 | Armor Normal |
阿特罗斯卡片 | auto attack has a 5% chance to trigger amazing speed (Attack Spd +20%; this effect lasts 10 seconds) Atk +12 | Weapon MVP |
沙漠幼狼卡片 | Dmg to Demi-Human +3% Dmg to Demi-Human +1% | Accecssory Normal |
- Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is an open world MMORPG based on the ever famous Ragnarok Online, and inherits the RO legacy that drew the attention of millions of fans! We will have a Today at Apple event in Thailand on 9/1.
- Watcher's Armor - null. Type: Armor: Jobs: Effects: Def+273; Vit +15; Max HP +15%; Max HP +6,000; Def +10%; Every 1 refining increases M.Def by 1%.
- Where do you socket your weapon, armor, accessories, off-hand, footgear and garment? The additional card slot for your gear will require 10 additional copies of the item you are looking to socket (1x Item to be slotted + 10x Same Item = 11x Total). Depending on the equipment, this may be quite expensive.

Ragnarok Mobile Armor Synthesis
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