
Casino Operations Management Kilby

It's a sure bet that Casino Operations Management, Second Edition will help current and future gaming management professionals better serve any casino. Written by experts with over 6 Complete guidance to the ins and outs of gaming operations Management personnel need a thorough understanding of the business side of the casino industry to ensure. CASINO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Hardcover) by J. Lucas in Management Operations for $96.95. We have the largest selection of gambling books in the world.

Casino Operations Management Kilby

  • Editions for Casino Operations Management: (Hardcover published in 2004), (Hardcover published in 1998), (ebook publishe.
  • Describe how gaming has evolved into modern day casino management, and how gaming operations affect the overall success of the casino resort 2. Explain the basic games involved in casino operations 3. Use player rating systems to effectively evaluate a player 4.
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Casino Operations Management Jim Kilby Pdf

Casino Operations Management Kilby

Casino Operations Management Jim Kilby

  • Written by the authors of the best-selling casino management textbook in the world, “Casino Operations Management”
  • Authors have more than 40 years of experience in the field, along with 30 years of experience as university professors
  • With active consulting practices, the authors were able to incorporate some of the latest trends in the casino marketing field